Grey Matters Centre


We all have an impact on other people around us and we believe that no one family member is the blame for any problems that a family may be suffering with. We do not take sides or blame and we work with each member individually, understanding differing ages, resources and needs so that all members feel able to participate and feel important. 

The way we interact becomes a pattern with each person taking their individual part in the dynamics of how each member relates to each other. These patterns can get stuck and as we change and grow they can become outdated and no longer work.

Family therapy can help you discover these patterns and understand them. How they affect everyone and how each person contributes to the overall balance of the system .

Understanding these patterns and behaviours enables changes to be made whilst everyone works together feeling safe and supported. 

Our therapists work with: families, married/partners/separated, same sex, partners, parent and child, siblings, grandparents etc


We also provide the service of learning how to understand and work with others who have challenging behaviours. This may be accessed by; parents, caregivers, grandparents, teachers, professionals etc.

If you would like to book family therapy please call 07907613600 and we can arrange this with you.

At Grey Matters Centre we do not work with anyone who have previous convictions of sexual offences and/or are currently the focus of an on going police investigation or criminal justice proceedings. 

We do not work with current domestic violence/abuse and any court cases.

If any of these issues feature during the therapy journey, we reserve the right to refer you onto the appropriate professional organisation as we do not work within these areas at Grey Matters Centre

Family photo